TNF Austin Chapter 6th Annual Walkathon 2024

Registration for TNF 5K is closed. If you need to check on ticket availability, please send email to

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Austin Chapter Sponsored ABC Schools

TNF Austin 3rd Annual Grand 5K Run & Walkathon - 2021

We are very humbled by your presence and overwhelming support to have made TNF Austin’s annual 5k event a huge success, three years in a row!

Thanks to Gayathri Venkateswaran, the day started right with an energizing yoga session. Next Raj Raghunathan’s talk on “Happiness and Spirituality” had a clear message on happy living. He made us realize that the best outcomes for a happy living are for people who believe in a loving God. Next Melanie Weinberger’s talk on “Joy of Healing” was on how to deal effectively with your emotions. According to her, first recognize your feelings, next heal yourself and then enjoy life. Thank you both for those great motivational speeches.

Thanks to all 200 plus participants who helped us start the 5K race on time and congratulations to all the winners (kids and adults). This shows that regardless of age you can be a winner. Links to photo

A sincere thanks to all the local business sponsors, Media partners: Austin Tamil Sangam, Dallas Metroplex Tamil, TAmerica TV and donors. We raised a total of $ 15,280 of which $2,750 was during the event for educating underprivileged children. For the first time the youth made tie-dye shirts that were sold at the event to raise $210. Kudos to our youth! We are overjoyed at this achievement and grateful for your commitment. Your generous tax-deductible donation will soon be hard at work, helping us provide education to underprivileged children in Coimbatore. We thank you today, the children will thank you for Life.

We profusely thank both the Central and India TNF team for implementing the projects on the ground, despite these challenging times during Covid.

Finally, a huge thank you to all our volunteers, as always TNF is forever grateful and appreciates all your dedication and hard work. Without you, this would not have been possible.

Few of you expressed interest in donating during the event. Please donate at and select “Austin Chapter“.

P.S. If your company has a matching grant program, please consider matching your donations.

We would love to hear from you, please fill out the feedback form

Thank you once again and look forward to many more events like these to make a difference in a child’s life.

Stay safe and be blessed!

TNF Austin Chapter

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Anbalayam, in English, means loving home. Anbalayam, located in the rural town of Sirkali is the home for 55 special-needs children. There are more than 10 million special-needs children in India.  Read More

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TNF launched the ABC project in eight schools in Sivaganga district. The project has transformed the schools, and the students, for better, in many ways. Read More

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